Uniform Information
Auburndale Elementary School has a mandatory uniform policy. This means that ALL students are expected to dress daily in the appropriate uniform. Listed below are the mandatory uniform policies for students in Pre K through Grade 5 attending Auburndale Elementary School. Students should be well groomed and have their shirts tucked in. Monday through Thursday students must wear their polo uniform top. School uniform t-shirts or program t-shirts may be worn on Fridays only. Jeans are NOT acceptable unless it is a pre-approved jeans day. (Link to Ibiley uniform site)
Polos- are offered in burgundy/white stripes, solid burgundy or solid pink.
Skort- Khaki, burgundy, grey
Shorts- Khaki, burgundy, grey
Pants- Khaki, burgundy, grey
T-shirts- only school-issued or program shirts may be worn on FRIDAYS.
Polos- are offered in burgundy/white stripes, solid burgundy or solid pink.
Shorts- Khaki, burgundy, grey
Pants- Khaki, burgundy, grey
T-shirts- only shool-issued or program shirts may be worn on FRIDAYS.
For cold-weather wear, jackets or sweaters may be worn but they must have buttons or a zipper down the front, and they must conform to Miami-Dade County Public School’s student dress code.